Chancy and Bruce Resource Kit: The Best Way to Support and Help Continue Building Pathways to Learning!

The Kindergarten Resource Kit and Practice Skills are available to ensure your child continues to uphold and strengthen the 10 areas they have mastered to move on to Kindergarten. This product is intended for students who have been recommended to enter Kindergarten after their results have been submitted to the school or families.  These support materials are solely intended for parents that have the desire to strengthen and maintain their skills. If a student "practices" these skills before the test was administered, a true reading of the child's ability will be inhibited and results will not reflect that child's true ability to be recommended for Kindergarten.

Kit Includes Resource Book, Practice Test (with an advanced section), National Kindergarten Standards for English Language Arts/Math and Practice Materials.

COST: $45 Purchases here: ResourceKit

Kindergarten Development Form: Here

Kindergarten Assessment Payment: Here

First through Eighth Assessment Payment: Here

Live Zoom

Dr. Magnuson will be providing live zoom meetings to help break down the assessment and help answer questions. The following are available zoom dates

  • May 4th, 2023: 2:00pm-3:00pm

Topic: Chancy and Bruce Assessment Results and Overview

Meeting Room 

Join Zoom Meeting

Join ZOOM Meeting Here

Meeting ID: 391 797 6849

Password: 298804