Welcome to Chancy and Bruce
Educational Resources, Inc.
Now available from Chancy and Bruce Educational Resources; a researched tool to use to identify school readiness.
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Chancy and Bruce Educational Resources, Inc. was founded in the early 1980s as a unique service to children, parents, teachers and schools in assessing children using a developmental profile. This profile looks at children between the ages of 2 1/2 to 18 years. It assesses children in the processing skill areas that are needed for formal learning. Children in grades one through twelve are also given assessments in reading, comprehension, spelling, writing, and mathematics. Social-Emotional maturity and attention-span maturity are also profiled. Recommendations are made in regards to school readiness, grade level placement, and if further diagnostic assessment is necessary. Referrals are made when requested. Other services include parent education, staff development, and recommendations for prescriptive intervention.
Chancy and Bruce Educational Resources Inc. has assessed over 250,000 children since 1984 and has completed two longitudinal studies. These studies have followed children from 4 1/2 years through completion of high school and the second study went four years beyond high school. Research continues in the area of school readiness and the correlation between processing skill development and grade placement. Chancy and Bruce Educational Resources, Inc. serves over 250 early childhood centers and schools in the Southern California area. All screening personnel have degrees in education and are trained in the assessment of children.
Bonnie Bruce, Owner & Executive Director, holds a B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies from West Virginia Wesleyan College. She holds a MEd. in Special Education from Middle Tennessee State University, and has done post-graduate studies in testing and assessment. Barbara Chancy who was instrumental in developing and field-testing this assesment tool passed away in November 2003. Prior to 1982, both Ms. Bruce, and Ms. Chancy taught at all grade levels and served as Resource Specialists in the Public School System in California. Ms. Bruce also directed an Institute for Child Development and has worked with school districts in developing early childhood intervention programs.